Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Idol worship and brahmins (in an extended view Hindus)

When you are a child you clutch,hold,bite and even kiss and admire your toy or pets.As we grow old the toys take a social dimension for a "virtual clutching".Mind knows that the toy plays are for the children in minds.But through rituals Hindus and more specifically brahmins keep these social toys ( I mean the idols of the imaginary Gods).Brahmins have built their religious life and economics around that....

please see the site to understand the futility of these types of worship and how the brahmins have cheated the society with questionable and selfish ends preaching sublimity and purity. Brahmin as asocial development is in a wrong footing and our fore fathers have taken us to questionable identities and separation from human development.

We think but act backwards in social norms.We preached cleanliness while all other varnas we thought were not pure.How absurd this thought process any simp[le thinking will reveal.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tamil brahmins and Dravidians

Tamils to grab power entrusted the local backward class people who rule TN with some trust.But genes have it; they practise all corrupt practises and tell their followers it is due to brahmin boycotting them culturally.Men are are like atoms at macro level.they aggregate for some attraction and money making and even sex when the genetic requirement makes them to feel the sexual heat.With power they achieve all these areas.Now the turn of the "middle" of the caste structure in India to storm Parliament and make poor poorer.

In South India there were more Kingdoms and later some methodical civil structure and peaceful living because of brahmins who were given to religious ways and chores.They considered money as alien and god is giving them money.Some went to the other end of the spectrum.In North India the local people were ruled in remote areas by decoits of gangs which were of any caste and color.These people could have panchayats and were free and collected kist etc.Now JP Narayan tried to remove this aspect by a scheme to make them surrender to him.They did and they did not trust the Govt then Now also they don't trust the Govt.Who is to blame.The ways of the Govt.which is taking care of the backward yadavs and Punjabi's rather then the poor villagers.The Congress Govt has forgotten the slogan of Gandhi"that nation lives in the villages".Villages have not been developed.When the policemen die and connive with Maoists etc who are modern age decoits they talk of development.The congress govt should go as its policies are urban and money oriented filling the pockets of politicians.Many have Swiss accounts why congress is silent in not revealing their names and arresting them.In the name of Globalisation and Forex earning these bigwigs are cheating the poor and seizing their lands. ONLY WAY TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM THROUGH SOCIAL ACTIVISTS AND PEOPLE OF THE CULTURE OF J.P.Narayan or his stature. Even Arundhathi sounds like correct...But she is not leading any march to the Maoists nor AgniVesh who is hiding behind non-contacts enlarging his sphere of influence with Govt.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

the icons and symbols

Shaivaities subtly worship phallus which is the iconic symbol of creativity of the male.
Vaishavaites show marks and symbols which are similar to female organ in outline

Why? this shows godliness is nearer to sex.When acharya Rajneesh wanted to reach God thru sex and sexuality oriented activities these people decried and humilated his words as yankee culture. See the basic theme and cardinal icons of hinduism are symbols of procreation or signs akin to that on human body

Aged Iyengars

Many aged Iyengars are orthodox without being scientific.They presume and assume as if they are are very clean and they only represent God and take up cudgels for the poor.they do all activities which are immoral.Some bus drivers of the Mutts in south smoke and even indulge in many unhygienic activities.
Iyengar priests and vadhyars tell wrong mantras and even they charge in Rs1000/ hr for pujas while the world is grinding at different pace,these people loot the brahmins.
Sanskrit slokas that are not understood by even brahmins are blurted out or shouted in a unmusical and unhealthy manner.All the sampradayas are mostly propagated by old Iyengars who are detrimental to brahmin culture.
They amass donations and propagate activities which are non-productive.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Book thought to be non-conceptual by the west later appreciated as relevant

Mutual Aid; a factor of evolution by kniaz Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin

I purchased the book from Land Mark Chennai and got quite absorbed in reading this small book.
this seems to be relevant in our talk on Tamil Brahmins.Cooperation and flocking together for security reasons were a sociological necessity. The book was published in early years of 20th century...many have taken the concept for group work and cooperation and coexistence.Indians follow this concept like the animals as stated by the author.
Thus there is an important genetic orientation in the flocking either for a religion or cause or a dogma or even simple mutual assistance. Even self help groups are born out of the disposition in the evolution.

this important factor is followed by christian groups and even Muslims by namaz etc.Hindus celebrated in groups in temples but did not further the concept into action.They kept walls of separation like "anti-bonding orbitals of the covalent bonds" in chemicals.
Tamil brahmins observed some rituals using sanskrit as language to further the distnct separation from local masses who were for survival non-vegetarians.the Sanskrit they used was evolved out of local intonations.The Sanskrit spoken by the north Indian brahmins and southern Tamil brahmins differed in content and even pronunciation.
These are because of preservation of a different genetic direction for survival of ego and a feeling of superiority as if they were god-heads.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

On RAM, God as force principle,Nietzsche

Friday, September 21, 2007

God is a force principle

I follow the German philosophers who claim God as a "force-principle".

Unable to maintain themselves by self efforts or own actions,the weak in the society wanted some moral props and recognition. Hence came a common path of perpetration of the notions of pity,sympathy,of brotherly love,kindness and good will.

The weak members of the society even now greatly outnumber the strong willed.

Hence these notions became cardinal virtues for the priests of all groups and religions to propagate and unionise these weak public society.

Although man is "homo
economicus" basically,they kept this under the carpet but amassed donations to distribute to all needy weak willed members.This is what the christian missionaries follow.

Communists and materialists kept poverty as the denominator and aggressive antagonism to rich and strong willed as their ploy to dominate their world for recognition.

Hence god was kept out because eating food was the theme. while majority saw God in the food they eat communists felt it is with the rich and poor should own it.Thus they combined the aggression of Nietzsche in their activities without mental relaxation.

They are blindly opposed to anything godly even spiritual mind and ways. Communists increase poverty in the minds of the people.


Nietzsche attracted me as a thinker for his views were very objective. He considers human beings are born to conquer and not to secure. If you analyse this I think a sort aggresiveness is a residue.Conquer what?..... attack whom?............. For what?..............

Security is a defensive feeling.Securing our life is in the genes. But Nietzsche preached otherwise.

Did Nietzsche know about RAM? But he was aware of the basic christian emotions.He rebelled agaist such emotions. Wrote books and propagated his ideas for posterity to think.Did not create a forced following.

But in the recent averments of MK in Tamil Nadu in India it is indecent to say Ram does not exist.

His motives are evident.Many think and wonder and analyse the reasons although MK claims to have the whole sale contact for reasons. his machiavellian act slowly unfolds.

Who is God? What is God?......... this question requires answer in a fitting manner for the rationalist............................

Ram! Ram!

Hey Ram

Ram ram repeat several times with a blank mind.You get a feeling of calmness.Stress is relieved.

Gandhi has this as mantra.Ram connotes simplicity and grandeur together.

Ram may be a virtual character but he is from the times we venerate epics of India.

Ram is a godhead.A means to reach God by repetitive mantra.

Ram is straightforward.He is not political. He is not for the stressed communism.

Christianity propagated itself on prayer and love sympathy,kindness and such basic emotions.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Brahmins should get up at Brahma Muhurta

However, the life of a Brahmin was the most difficult. As per the Shastras (holy books) their duties comprised of teaching, learning, performing Yajna (vedic rituals), accept charity and give charity.

The typical daily schedule of a Brahmin, according to the Sastras, is described as following:

• A Brahmin must get up two hours before the sunrise (Brahma muhurta).

• After getting up, he cleans his teeth, bathes in cold water and performs prayer

• Next he performs rites or sacrifices to the gods

• Next is the daily study and chanting of the Vedas

• In the second part of the daytime, the Brahmin must teach his disciples the Vedas

• Afterwards he must gather flowers himself for the worship he is to perform.

• Since he is not expected to earn a salary, he must beg for his food and also for the materials for the conduct of various sacrifices.

Shastras gave Brahmins the right to beg for their food and other requirements. They were not expected to accumulate wealth and own lands. They must donate excess charity to the priests. Brahmins were permitted to eat only Sattvik or simple food which included raw fruits and vegetables, milk, and limited cereals.

The daily schedule, eating habits and duties prescribed for Brahmins, were based on long experience of Indian philosophers. They had understood that the only method to create divine or eternal knowledge was to rise above the worldly pleasures of senses.

This is reported as a stipulation....but nowadays brahmins don't worship god so intensely at least publicly because of the anti-racist feelings unleashed by the Dravidian parties of Tamil Nadu.Many have become scientists and contribute to society.but the non-brahmins occupy business and other vocations including politics and try to amass wealth.Even today brahmin shines in his work and is dutiful in majority.He shows higher morals and integrity.